Real Tools for Parenting Anxious Kids
Are you feeling helpless as a mom?
✓Do you watch your child struggle and feel powerless in how to help them?
✓You'd do anything you can, but you don't know how to fix it.
✓Have you seen their anxiety take over your child's life and yours?
Gain the Tools You Need To Parent Differently
So many of us feel burned out and overwhelmed. The last few years have been a doozy, and it's hard enough to manage our anxiety, let alone help our kids manage theirs. Transform from feeling powerless to becoming your child's confident guide, learning practical strategies that get to the root of what your child needs while connecting with parents who understand.
As moms, we are stretched in ways we never imagined, and we are feeling it. The need to fly the white flag is real!
Why This Approach Works
Keys to unlocking your child’s emotions
Simple tools that are easy to implement
Weekly deliverables for practice and personalization
Guided support and community
Your 8-Week Parenting Transformation
Starting January 29th for 8 weeks
Thursdays 10:00 am - 11:00 am CT
(*Not meeting the week of Spring Break)
Week 1: Introduction and Overview
✓ Introductions
✓ Preview of the tools you will gain
✓ Learn you are not alone in your parenting goals and struggles
Week 3: Emotional Intelligence
✓ Understanding Emotional Intelligence
✓ Recognizing our “check engine” lights and those of our children
✓ Steps for growth in emotional intelligence and processing emotions
Week 5: Navigating Through Truth
✓ Understanding Negative Cognition and its consequences
✓ Identifying the stories we tell ourselves
✓ Tools for recognizing negative cognition in yourself and your children
Week 7: Navigating Conflict
✓ Understanding the importance of normalizing conflict
✓ Identifying the conflict cycle and how to break it
✓Knowing your identity and clarifying your role in your child’s conflict
Week 2: Window of Tolerance
✓ Understanding Window of Tolerance and how to parent from within it
✓ Recognizing when you are out of your Window of Tolerance and triggers
✓ Simple tools for returning to your Window of Tolerance
Week 4: Circle of Security
✓ Understanding the Circle of Security and its importance
✓ Acknowledging when we are a secure base versus a helicopter
✓ Plans for parenting from a circle of security at every stage
Week 6: Boundaries
✓ Understanding the importance of healthy boundaries
✓ Recognizing where and why we have unhealthy boundaries
✓ Simple steps to establish and model healthy boundaries
Week 8: Wrap-up
✓ What have I learned about myself and my previous patterns?
✓ What does my new knowledge mean for me and my children now?
✓ What will I do with these new tools I have gained?
What You’ll Gain:
A better understanding of your triggers, emotions, and the truth you tell yourself
Clarity on how your sticky spots affect your parenting and how to move toward health in these areas
Simple tools to help you and your children with self-awareness and more consistent regulation
A supportive community to remind you that you are NOT alone on this journey
Meet Your Guide
Kellie Purdy, CCLC
Kellie is a certified life coach in Nashville. With a Bachelor's degree in psychology from The University of the South at Sewanee and a Master's in Education degree from Vanderbilt University, Kellie began her teaching career in a public middle school classroom where she learned a lot about students and parents and helped both work together to reach their goals. During this season, Kellie also coached soccer and basketball, providing many more experiences guiding different personality types and abilities to find their strengths and chart a path to individual progress.
Kellie loves the beauty of story, even the hard parts, and the freedom that comes from understanding and working through your own epic journey.
She has been married for 25 years. She and her husband have three children: two daughters in their 20’s, one working and one in college at Auburn, and a son in high school. As a family, they love the outdoors, music, and travel.