Mom Mentoring

While we are more connected than ever, being a mom in today’s world can feel extra lonely and isolating.

Our Mom Mentors are wise women who provide tips, tools, and comfort for the challenges of motherhood.

Maybe you’re not feeling stuck in your own life, but you just want some wisdom and perspective from women who have gone before you.

You want to feel confident in your parenting but don’t have anyone in your circle to turn to to ask questions.

“Am I doing it right? “

“How do I juggle everything?”

That’s where Mom Mentors come alongside to offer support.

At Elevate Moms, we offer both individual and group mom mentorship programs.


Individual Mentoring

Work with a Mom Mentor and engage in one-on-one work. Mom Mentors, who are a season or more ahead of you, provide support, wisdom, and tools to thrive in your parenting journey.

Group Mentoring

Join a small group community of 6-8 other moms with a Mom Mentor, and gain the benefits of community and connection with other moms walking through the same season of life.

Mom Mentors

  • From an early age, Stacy has had a zest for living life to the fullest. She carries that same zest into motherhood by celebrating life’s moments, big or small. From the first birthday party to high school graduation and every milestone in between, Stacy’s favorite role as a mom is cheerleader.

    Born with congenital dislocated hips, doctors weren’t sure she’d live a life of everyday mobility. From learning to walk in a body cast at 18 months old to cheering at the collegiate level, that same tenacity that the Lord formed in her then is what carries her through motherhood even now.

    Having experienced the pain of infertility and the beauty of adoption, Stacy has a heart for moms walking through life’s unpredictabilities.

    Through seasons of working outside the home while balancing the busy schedules of her husband and three kids, she has learned the freedom that is found in letting go of the things that are outside of her control.

    Stacy grew up in the home of a church planter where her Mom and Dad modeled the roles of caring for, encouraging, and mentoring people. This shaped her and inspired her to do the same. When asked why she enjoys mentoring moms, Stacy answered, “I love helping a mom discover a new sense of clarity and hope, as she is reminded that SHE IS ENOUGH, even in the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. As a mom embraces her unique strengths, confidence can be found to make it through to the other side of her pain.”

    This passion for serving moms also grew out of Stacy’s own journey as other women spoke into her life, at the most vulnerable, heart-breaking moments, offering their wisdom, discernment, and guidance, which encouraged her to keep pressing on.

    Stacy Coleman and her husband, Ken, have been married for 26 years. Together, they are blessed to parent three uniquely wonderful teens and an enthusiastic goldendoodle.

    Fun facts about Stacy: she has never met a stranger, is a former college cheerleader, and earned her private pilot’s license when she was 20 years old.

  • Jennifer Scoggins is a passionate advocate for mothers navigating the life-changing journey of raising children.

    From as early as she can remember, Jen wanted to be a mom. When she was blessed with two incredible daughters; she found it was neither easy nor automatic. Instead, she found herself on a rollercoaster, with moments of feeling like a superhero…and moments of feeling like a total train wreck.

    When she found herself at the end of her rope – frustrated, ashamed and confused - Jen sought out both professional counseling and coaching where she learned tools that created massive shifts in both herself and her family.

    One of Jen’s passions is the profound impact of guided, partnering prayer, and how it can be used in parenting. Firmly believing in its transformative power, she loves to guide women in asking important questions and praying for their children. Knowing the power found in connecting with a community of like-minded women, she’s convinced mothers should not be doing this alone.

    Her desire to mentor stems from recognizing the challenges mothers face—loneliness, confusion, and a learning curve that’s never-ending, with no manual!

    She loves working individually with moms or in a group format which offers community and connectedness that so many moms are missing.

    Jennifer and her husband, Chance, have been married for 18 years, and their incredible daughters, Jalen and Emmy, are now teenagers.

  • Molly Truesdale is mom to six wonderful girls, wife to Ryan, and a lover of exercise. She also welcomes any excuse to drink coffee or juice green things. Molly became passionate about mentoring moms when she realized how overwhelmed she was in her household. Molly realized that she was holding herself to an impossible standard. It became clear to her that her struggles weren't about her circumstances but about her mindset. Through coaching and a willingness to engage her story, she uncovered the lies she was believing. She could reframe her mindset and see that there was more to life. It was full of depth and possibilities. Molly became passionate about helping others uncover their own lies and see their amazing potential.

    Molly longs to empower moms to give themselves grace and freedom in motherhood. She loves to walk alongside them and help them see how God has uniquely created them. By exploring this, women can let go of the impossible standards they have set for themselves and be free to run their own race.

    Wired with a heart to listen and guide, Molly loves to hear about real life. She loves to share, encourage, or listen and "sit in the muck" with women. Women don't need one more person telling them what they "should" do. They need the freedom and space to engage their hearts and share their story. In this safe space, they can hear their deepest desires and longings for a sense of purpose, acceptance, and unconditional love.

  • Vonda is a Bible study teacher, mentor, and mother of three. Before becoming a full-time mom, she worked in the worship music industry and helped her husband in local church ministry. She homeschooled her children for several years and became a substitute teacher upon their return to public school. In 2020, her desire to connect with people and to use her relocating experiences led her to get her real estate license.

    During her 34 (and counting) years married to her husband, Kent, they have walked through infertility, adoption, five relocations, and the grief of losing parents. Those experiences have given her compassion and understanding for women facing the same challenges. She loves coming alongside them and helping them navigate their own journeys.

    Vonda’s greatest joy is unearthing our unique calling, not only as moms but as women. Our children learn so much about their own giftings as they see us use ours for the good of others and the glory of God. As an Elevate Moms Mom Mentor, Vonda supports women where they are, pulls out their inner strengths, and fosters community with other moms who are parenting in the same season as each other.

Let’s find what works for you

To get connected with Elevate Moms Mentors, set up an inquiry call with our Care Coordinator.